After 40 Years, We Still Love Hart To Hart

Article 1 by Bob Yhlen

Article 2 By Bob Yhlen

American Introduction to Löwchen

Canis Un-Familiaritas

Can’t Tell The Dogs Without A Showcard at Rare-Breed Event

Cat’s N Dogs

Choosing a Show Puppy by Eileen Spavin Harrison

Das Löwchen ist völlig harmlos.

Die Gestatten Löwchen

“A Dear Little Pair” English Photo Article

Dogs So Rare

Dog World Ad 1997

2017 English Yearbook Article by Gini Denninger

Exploring changes in the Löwchen Standard by Gini

Denninger 2010

Faddists Center on Rare Breeds

Herr König Spielt auf dem Mäuseklavier

Joyful Teufel

Judges’ Choice The Löwchen (Little Lion Dog)

Judging the Lowchen by Gini Denninger 2009

Kim Schmidt Photo Article

Klein Hunde Zuchter

Kleiner Löwe auf dem Magerviehhof

Learning About Löwchen by Janet Perret-Green

Life magazine 1979

Little Dog is History on Foot

Little Lion Dog by Mrs. Eilish Banks

Little Lion Dog is Rare in U.S. and Very Brave

Lissy Newspaper Photo

The Loverly Löwchen by Alice Bixler

Lowchen by Alice Bixler

Lowchen by Jane Cook 1974

Löwchen War Die Sensation

Madame Bennert in Paris

National Enquirer

Never A Dull Moment by Jean Richland

New Zealand Supplement-The Löwchen

Observations on a Little Lion by Mrs. Eilish Banks

Rare and Well-Done Dogs are Displayed

Rare Breed Increased By Four

Rare Breeds: Löwchen

Rewarding London Visit

Saved From Extinction by Freda McGregor

Shelly Banks & Adam Adamant

Schlossführung 1928

Show Sight Löwchen Article 2020 with Photos

The Breeders Perspective

The Festive Meal

The Löwchen by Anne McDonald 1991

The Löwchen by Gini Denninger 1999

What Kind of Dog Is That? 

Wie Man Zur Hunde Zucht Kommen Kann by Frau Ostertag

Why Choose Rare Breeds? by Gini Denninger

The Lion That Barked.  December 1986 by Gini Denninger

Dogs So Rare

Prize-Winning Pup

Little Lion Dog is Rare in U.S. and Very Brave

Dog World (British) Breed Critique Move. 1977