The frontispiece for “Von den Hunden” published 1555
Buffon’s Natural History Published 1792.
Mrs. Jane Cook had copies made of this print, which she gave out freely to those new to the breed. This print is accompanied by another print you will see below.
Mrs. Jane Cook and Bob Yhlen believed that there was a large version of the small breed previously known as the Little Lion Dog or as known today as the Löwchen.

Print from 1644
Barr’s Buffoon Print 1779
Barrs Buffoon 1749
Hand Colored Barr’s Buffoon Print
Circus Löwchen
Print from the “Encyclopedia” printed in 1845. Close-up of Löwchen strongly resembles Barrs Buffon Löwchen
Print from the “Encyclopedia” printed in 1845


A Dutch print.



Close Up of Lowchen Print in Omaha Art Museum


Lowchen close-up in print
Lowchen in print of the New Orleans Public Market before American Civil War
Pencil drawings done by a young prince who lived in Weilburg Castle
Pencil drawings done by a young prince who lived in Weilburg Castle. Still hanging in the castle.


Löwchenhundchen. “Des Elden Hundes Hufsucht, Pflege, Dressur.” Otto Friedlich

Close-up of Löwchen in Dutch ad

Dutch ad with Löwchen

The Lacemaker. This print is seen in various forms and also as a painting. It is one of my favorite prints.
Close up of the Lowchen in “The Lace Maker”