Cuno was bred by Mike & Brenda Adams and myself. He had a lovely build, beautiful coat, pigment & eye color. He was nicely sized and well boned. His biggest fault was that he moved slightly close in the front. I especially liked his head. He had very dark eyes and pigment especially his skin, which was black! He had a lovely temperament and was a joy to be around.  I would fault him on his front movement. It was not clean enough for me. It was close in the front, not crossing.

He was shown at the World Dog Show in Puerto Rica in (year? have to look up). I was so nervous since I wanted him to win and do his father proud since his dad Ch. Pan Tau v. Livland was a World Wimmer in Dortmund, Germany in 1991. I decided to have a handler on him. I was showing Dogs Argentino’s also at the time and so a handler friend from the Country of Chili took him in the ring for me. It was wonderful to watch him glide to the win.

Cuno as a puppy
These photos were taken when Felizitas Dylla came to visit me. She was the German Lowchen Klub eV. President at the time. Her kennel was Burgwald.
The photos have obviously suffered some damage through the years.
As you can see this dog was incredibly well muscled. And see that very black skin!