I began this book after writing an article for Dog World in 1984. It was a two-part article and the very first article I had ever submitted to a bonafide publication. I was paid $600. for this which is a good amount of cash even by todays standards. I was so excited to be a paid author! I decided to continue my research I had begun for the article, because I had a feeling there was much more out there to find. I never imagined that I would come up with so much information to fill a book of twelve chapters. At the time there was no internet as we know it today. I started soliciting information & photos by letter! Many responded, thankfully. I also began traveling to museums, overseas and spent many many hours at the AKC library. It was initially slow going and ten years went by before I was ready to write. Things have improved greatly now, getting information on the breed is much faster and easier! You can now read this book on line for free! How great is that?!
You can read each chapter by clicking on the link. It will open the chapter to you for reading. To get to each page click the forward or back arrows at the top of the page. Chapter Three is currently in two parts. I will get it put back together eventually! Since I am learning how to build a website as I add each piece to the site there are bound to be learning curves and this part is one of them. Initially when I added the chapter it was too big to be included and so I broke it into two parts and while at it, decided since I was working on it already, I would add some of the color photos in instead of black & white! I hope to eventually change out all of the photos in the book as a color photos where applicable. Any questions pick the phone up and call me!
Chapter 1 Emerging From The Mists Of Time
Chapter 2 Early Löwchen History
Chapter 3 Löwchen Throughout The World
Chapter 4 Löwchen in Great Britain
Chapter 5 Löwchen Club of America
Chapter 6 The Structure of The Löwchen
Chapter 8 Grooming The Löwchen
Chapter 9 Showing Your Löwchen
Chapter 11 Tips to Your Puppy’s Education